Solar Energy Storage -has a bright future with Backup Your Life at All Time

Grid integration of distributed solar PV – technical aspects, best practices and way forward

Solar energy storage systems-Solar photovoltaic (PV) energy and storage technologies transformation

Solar Integration: Solar Energy and Energy storage and solar batteries: what you need to know

We believe that technology will continue enabling content creation, content consumption, and monetization, as well as targeted residential & businesses engagement and exceptional customer experiences, in segments. Solar Energy companies are being impacted by several emerging trends such as digitalization, multi-platform content consumption. In addition, the proliferation of connected devices has led to data being generated in immense volumes. Organizations are now striving to manage and analyze this data to extract actionable insights. They are increasingly looking to embrace tech modernization while simultaneously focusing on their relationship with customers.

What is energy storage? What is a solar battery?
The primary function of solar energy storage is to store energy produced by solar panels that can be drawn on at a later time. Storing energy for later provides many benefits, from financial savings to being a backup source of power in the event of a grid outage. The main advantage of installing a solar-plus-storage energy system is that it gives you the ability to use your solar electricity even when the sun isn’t shining. When you install a solar panel system without a home battery, the excess electricity that your system generates gets sent back to the grid. With solar energy storage, that energy can be stored and drawn on when the sun goes down, and you’ll only need to draw and pay for energy from the grid when your battery is depleted.

Storage helps solar contribute to the electricity supply even when the sun isn't shining by releasing the energy when it's needed.

Technical Standards For Balance of Systems In Solar Projects
Why are batteries so important for clean energy?

Batteries are a critical component of the clean energy future for one key reason: they are able to match variable energy supply to energy demand. Why this is so important requires a quick discussion of the differences between producing electricity with fossil fuels and producing electricity with clean energy resources, like wind and solar.

Integrating renewable energy

The term renewable solar energy project means the energy collected from renewable resources. These resources includes sunlight, wind, geothermal heat, rain, tides, biomass and waves etc. Dasstech utilizes Sunlight as a form of renewable source of energy. Energy can be harnessed from sun even in cloudy weather conditions. Solar energy is used in renewable energy projects worldwide and is most popular for generating electricity and heat or may be used for desalinating water.

Solar photovoltaic (PV) energy and storage technologies are the ultimate, powerful combination for the goal of independent, self-serving power production and consumption throughout days, nights and bad weather. In our series about solar energy storage technologies we will explore the various technologies available to store (and later use) solar PV-generated electricity. A clear focus of this series will be the various solar battery technologies available and their future role in solar PV energy storage. In this first part, we will look at the current situation of energy storage and have an overview about different main technologies.

Smart Grid Management

Sunsolar International's leading in Renewable energy, such as residential and commercial solar power, plays an increasing role in the demands on distribution grids and the overall complexity of predicting fluctuating power needs. Power storage, consumer power generation, and automated home energy management systems are also impacting distribution and grid management. Utility companies need more visibility and control, but they do not always have access to data on related systems and assets. Optimization of grids requires increased data-based insight, along with improved manageability across legacy and modern systems. Robust embedded controllers or IIoT gateway controllers such as those designed and manufactured by Sunsolar International's , integrated with software solutions based on the Intel® IoT Platform, help utilities and energy companies gather, filter, and analyze data from the edge to the cloud. This provides essential insight into usage patterns and identifies areas where grid performance can be optimized.

SCADA Software for Renewbale Energy and Smart Grid Management

Control, and Analyze All Your Data, All in One Place***

SCADA by Inductive Automation® combines an unlimited licensing model, with instant web-based deployment, and the industry-leading toolset for supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) — all on one open and scalable universal platform and empowers your business to easily control your processes, and track, display, and analyze all your data, without limits.

1.Protect Your Investment with our Stand-Alone SCADA Software
2.Enhance Grid Stability Through Intelligent Plant Control
3.Reduce Installation Costs with Dedicated Project Engineering
4.Optimal Service Ensures Maximized Yields Across Your Plant's Entire Life

Project engineering, technical due diligence and plant commissioning support System migration and retrofit of existing SCADA systems


skylog® collects field data and status information of your PV plant components via the CANopen fieldbus and other fieldbus interfaces. This high-resolution and real-time database is the reliable source of information for the next levels in the monitoring and control hierarchy: the grid-stability management system skycontrol and the SCADA software PVGuard®, as well as for third-party data analysis tools.

anywhere on the plant, without interruption. Without reliable field information – collected and saved with high precision – any power plant monitoring will remain ineffective!

skylog® thus generates a consistent information base for long-term yield and availability evaluation over the entire life cycle of your photovoltaic power plant.

Skycontrol - Power Plant Controller

skycontrol is an integrated system for PV power plant control and grid stability management. It meets grid operators' requirements for utility-scale PV installations to ensure controlled grid injection, both at the medium and high voltage level, and can be flexibly adjusted to comply with different regional and international grid codes.

Its unique feature, the genuine closed-loop control principle, ensures high-precision measurement of all relevant physical quantities at the grid connection point and their continuous feedback to the controller input. Combined with adaptable control algorithms and communication sequences, this closed control loop makes skycontrol a highly efficient tool for fast and stable power plant control, even in large scale and distributed PV installations comprising several independent PV sections.

  • Closed-loop control of active and reactive power based on continuous feedback and control of grid injection values
  • Highly adaptable to grid operators' requirements
  • Compatible with virtually all inverters in the market
  • Suitable for mixed PV installations, equipped with different makes of inverters
  • Fully integrated into the skytron® monitoring and supervision system (PVGuard®)

Our powerful data logging system for PV installations, skylog®, has been designed with robustness and versatility in mind. Communicating with the plant using any of the standard bus technologies (CAN, RS-422, RS-485, Ethernet), skylog® can read and save data from a variety of terminal devices, irrespective of make. On request, an uninterruptable power supply (UPS) can provide power to all other monitoring components supplied by the CAN bus cable, ensuring dependable operation even in the event of a power failure. In locations having unreliable internet connections, local data storage is secured by skylog®’s substantial data buffering capacity. skylog® therefore forms an indispensable component of any monitoring system where dependable operation is key.

  • Data logger component of a complete monitoring system for photovoltaic power plants
  • Data buffer in case of Internet breakdown, depending on system configuration (string or central inverters): 1 – 4 weeks
  • Basis for long-term energy production verification
  • Uninterrupted power supply for all monitoring components
  • Support of inverters from various manufacturers as listed in the skytron® energy compatibility list
  • Optionally available: grid stability management functions

IoT Architecture for Energy Automation Systems

Sunsolar International Solar a leading for renewable energy industry, more solar power plants are planned for construction and operation worldwide. Current concerns among power plant owners and grid companies include data accuracy, operation efficiency, and asset management. Sunsolar International’s SPMS solution offers a unified monitoring management system, machine-to-intelligence technology, and a solid IoT data framework that can meet most managerial demands.

Vendor-neutral communication standards and state-of-the-art authentication and encryption technology are basic requirements for enabling IoT connectivity in a wide range of devices. This means data can be processed and transmitted with maximum interoperability and security. Scalable and powerful IoT platforms such as MindSphere make it possible to integrate a large number of assets and handle a considerable volume of data in a safe and highly reliable manner.

"Transforming Distributed Energy Resources to Drive the Growth of the Renewable Energy Market"
Automated secure device onboarding on IoT Cloud

1.Save time with automated onboarding
2.Save money with minimum engineering of the IoT system
3.Protect your data and assets using certificate-based authentication and encryption

Renewable Energy -IoT Technology Analysis

Sunsolar International - Energy and Environment

Sunsolar International Solar has unmatched experience in operating and maintaining large utility scale projects and solar rooftops for the last few years. We also offer monitoring of hardware and services, based on the solar-log data logger platform from Net Meeting.

Sunsolar International ( SSIPL), is guided by a deep commitment as one of the WORLD’s formost providers of consulting, ENERGY Technology and IoT solutions focus on the processes of sensing, control real-time monitoring, and remote communication and by combing these technologies with cloud-enabled services that performs information integration and data analysis. These solutions will greatly enhance efficient operation and maintenance management and decision-making processes.

Key application functionality:

1.Solar panel sample device model
2.Solar Panel info and live status
3.Solar energy generation and other readings
4.Command and control samples
5.Built-in visualization and dashboards
6.Extensibility for custom solution development

Energy storage is slated to play a critical role in supporting rapid expansion of variable RE in the grid while ensuring its stability and security.

Explore our comprehensive solutions for all business processes across all industries to find the solutions you need to build a connected business.The residential market, especially in tier I cities, adopted home inverter systems early on to deal with historic issues of grid power reliability. The commercial and industrial (C&I) consumers, on the other hand, have been using a mix of captive thermal and diesel generation sets for power back up. Rapid technological enhancements in batteries

Human Resources

Simplify HR processes and engage your workforce to drive better business results, empower your workforce, and develop your talent.


Bring together financial processes with automated, real-time analytics, and translate them into forward-looking business insight across the entire organisation

Procurement and Networks

Streamline procurement processes across your organisation, driving compliance and control while cutting costs and risks.


Take advantage of in-depth data analysis, predictions, and processing of complex events, and combine data from a variety of sources into one, integrated platform.

Cloud and Data Platforms

Leverage business applications that use the latest technology advancements – including the SAP HANA platform, cloud, mobile, and more.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Deploy high-velocity, intelligent edge IoT applications using business and technology services.

What is Energy Storage?

“Storage” refers to technologies that can capture electricity, store it as another form of energy (chemical, thermal, mechanical), and then release it for use when it is needed. Lithium-ion batteries are one such technology. Although using energy storage is never 100% efficient—some energy is always lost in converting energy and retrieving it—storage allows the flexible use of energy at different times from when it was generated. So, storage can increase system efficiency and resilience, and it can improve power quality by matching supply and demand. Storage facilities differ in both energy capacity, which is the total amount of energy that can be stored (usually in kilowatt-hours or megawatt-hours), and power capacity, which is the amount of energy that can be released at a given time (usually in kilowatts or megawatts). Different energy and power capacities of storage can be used to manage different tasks. Short-term storage that lasts just a few minutes will ensure a solar plant operates smoothly during output fluctuations due to passing clouds, while longer-term storage can help provide supply over days or weeks when solar energy production is low or during a major weather event,

Main Storage Technologies
Most people are not aware of the fact that except for traditional batteries, there are various electrochemical and mechanical technologies available that allow for the storage of energy for later usage, including solar PV energy.
the basics of the 4 main energy storage technologies:
1. Batteries
2. Pumped Hydro Energy Storage
3. Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)
4. Flywheel Energy Storage (FES)

Different types of batteries

There are various types of batteries, each with varying chemical properties, life cycles, operating temperatures, energy density and power density parameters. The main battery technologies are: a) Lead-Acid (PbA) b) Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) c) Nickel-Cadium (NiCd) d) Lithium-Ion (Li-ion) e) Sodium-Sulfur (NaS) f) Zinc-Bromine g) Carbon-Zinc

Pumped hydro energy storage (PHES) is currently the major storage technology making up over 99% of the total storage capacity worldwide – equaling to around 140 Gigawatts (GW). The largest PHES systems are installed in the USA, China and Japan. PHES systems use excess capacity of generated electricity to drive pumping systems that pump water from a reservoir at lower elevation (lower reservoir) up to another basin at higher elevation (upper reservoir). Once demand for electricity surges, gates will open so that the water from the upper reservoir can flow through those gates and channels back to the lower reservoir. The channels are equipped with turbines which – driven by the water flow – will generate electricity.

Compressed air energy storage (CAES) systems store cost-efficient off-peak electricity via a compressor in the form of compressed air. The compressed air is pumped into a reservoir, in most cases kilometer-deep underground reservoirs, caverns or depleted wells. Once needed during electricity peak demand times, the compressed air is released and flows through an expansion pressure turbine that is attached to a generator and then fed as electricity to the grid. The expanded air must be heated in order to drive the turbines and thus generate electricity. Therefore, higher efficient CAES systems, called adiabatic systems, store the heat produced during the air compression process and use it during air expansion. Diabatic systems do not store but dissipate a large portion of the heat produced at air compression to the atmosphere. As heat is needed for the expanding air to power the turbines, the recovery process of that stored energy requires extra heat input for example in the form of burners. Yet, these burners require fuel or additional power to work. A third type of CAES systems are isothermal systems that during the compression and expansion of air attempt to maintain the required heat levels by constant heat exchanges to the environment. However, even though aiming at a perfect heat exchange maintenance, heat losses are unavoidable and thus reduce the operational efficiency of isothermal systems, making them unattractive for large-scale installations. By 2014, CAES systems accounted for over 440MW of installed energy capacity worldwide.

Flywheel energy storage (FES) systems are in principle devices whose core is a rotor, also called: flywheel. The flywheel is accelerated to a high speed level and energy is stored and maintained as rotational energy. The addition or extraction of energy increases or reduces the speed of the flywheel.

n advanced FES systems, the flywheel is placed in a vacuum so as to reduce frictions, and can spin at very speeds with 5-digit rotations per minutes. Attached to these systems are motors and generators to add and extract electricity. On a global scale, over 25MW of FES systems as grid-connected electricity storage had been installed by 2014.